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        Mükemmel Aile


        A tragicomic family, each lost in their own world. Their journey turns into an adventure of confronting the past and coming together.

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        Mükemmel Aile Movie Subject

        Mükemmel Aile film details

        The family, each living in their own world; A mother who lost her mind with acting, a father who got beaten by entering the ring in boxing matches and became addicted to it, an obsessive uncle who drank various drugs to see the side effects of drugs, a pessimistic brother who wanted to die, and an aunt who was a hitman who repented of what he had done for years... One day, They set out from Istanbul to Antalya with the video they learned that their daughter Zeynep, who lives far away from them, will give birth. The family, who experiences tragicomic events on this journey, faces for the first time the facts that they could not understand about each other in the past. By coming out of the unhappiness in their own world, they embrace each other in a single world and manage to become the "Perfect Family".

        • Vision Date 15 March 2024 Friday
        • Film Type Comedy
        • Duration 87 minutes
        • Smart Markers Contains elements of Violence and Fear. It includes behaviors that can create negative examples. For Over 6 Audience Audience.

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