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        Erdal Kaya Stand Up

        Stand up

        Erdal Kaya Stand Up

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        Erdal Kaya Stand Up 

        Age Limit: 12+

        Duration 2 Hours

        **The language of the play is Kurdish.

        Erdal Kaya, in his Stand Up (Vik û Vala); çavdêrî û tespîtên xwe yên ji nav jiyana rojane, ji we re, ligel tecrûbeya xwe ya bi salan a li ser sehneyê vedibêje.
        In Stand Up (Vik û Vala), Erdal Kaya tells you his observations and observations about daily life with his years of stage experience.

        Erdal Kaya bi Vik û Vala re pêşandana Kurdî Berlîn, Düsseldorf, Nurnberg, Offenbach li Elmanyayê Ew ê li Am Main û Stuttgart pêk bîne. Ev nîşanek ecêb e Niha bilêtên xwe bistînin da ku hûn wê ji bîr nekin!

        Erdal Kaya performed with his Kurdish stand-up show Vik u Vala in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg, Offenbach am Main and He will perform in Stuttgart. It's a great show. Get your tickets now to avoid missing this opportunity!

        • Event Type Stand up
        • Duration 120 minutes

        Event Rules

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        Erdal Kaya Stand Up Tickets and Prices

        BerlinErdal Kaya Stand Up Berlin Tickets

        AdresAtze Musiktheater
        Organization GEN-Z Ent. Gmbh
        49.50 € Prices starting from bilet fiyatlarıTicket Prices

        DüsseldorfErdal Kaya Stand Up Düsseldorf Tickets

        AdresCapitol Theater Düsseldorf
        Organization GEN-Z Ent. Gmbh
        49.50 € Prices starting from bilet fiyatlarıTicket Prices

        NürnbergErdal Kaya Stand Up Nürnberg Tickets

        AdresObjektif Kültür Merkezi
        Organization GEN-Z Ent. Gmbh
        49.50 € Prices starting from bilet fiyatlarıTicket Prices

        Offenbach Am MainErdal Kaya Stand Up Offenbach Am Main Tickets

        AdresCapitol Theater Offenbach
        Organization GEN-Z Ent. Gmbh
        49.50 € Prices starting from bilet fiyatlarıTicket Prices

        StuttgartErdal Kaya Stand Up Stuttgart Tickets

        Organization GEN-Z Ent. Gmbh
        49.50 € Prices starting from bilet fiyatlarıTicket Prices
        Ticket Prices alt