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        Veda Theater Play's

        Age Limit: 9+
        Duration: 120 minutes

        Tiyatrokare's New Play Veda: Ayşe Kulin's Beloved Veda Comes To The Theater Stage!

        Ayşe Kulin's beloved novel Veda is now on the theater stage by Nedim Saban!
        The play, which tells the bitter and sweet events that took place in a mansion in Istanbul during the years of the national struggle, is based on real life events! Nevra Serezli stands out with her colorful composition of a crazy courtier in Veda, which has been worked on by TiyatroKare for a long time! Aziz Sarvan plays Kulin's grandfather who was the last finance minister of the Ottoman Empire, Leyla Feray plays the heroine of a forbidden love, Fatih Gülnar plays an intellectual of the Republic, and Meral Asiltürk, Alişan Özkan, Zeynep Sevi Yılmaz, Gizemnur Topaloğlu, Gizem Çayhanoğlu play the other roles!
        "Every farewell is a beginning", Veda is a story of a painful historical cycle, a story of humanity full of hope!

        ** The event on March 15, 20:30 is played within the scope of the "6th Karşıyaka Theater Festival". **

        • Event Type Autobiography
        • Duration 120 minutes

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