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        12 Numaralı Adam


        12 Numaralı Adam

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        12 Numaralı Adam Theatre Play

        Age Limit: 12+
        Duration : 90 Minutes - Two Acts

        Erkan Kolçak Köstendil's 90-minute "one-man" show "last chance of the reserve goalkeeper Written - Acted by : Erkan Kolçak Köstendil
        A goalkeeper who spent years in the same team...
        He was benched for several games in a row due to the wrong goals he conceded and for years he waited for the day when he would be in goal again.... Fate puts him in goal again in a match where maybe no ball will ever come into his goal... This 90 minutes will turn into a 90 minutes in which he questions his past, experiences, choices and life together with the audience.... A play by goalkeeper Erkan Kolçak Köstendil about staying in the goal, being a family, being alone, stepping out of the lines; a play where the audience turns into fans Man Number 12.

        • Event Type Theatre
        • Duration 90 minutes

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