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        İlker Gümüşoluk - Tek Kişilik Gösteri

        Stand up

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        243 Comment

        İlker Gümüşoluk - Tek Kişilik Show

        Age Limit: 13+
        Game Duration: 100 min.

        İlker Gümüşoluk continues to meet his audience with his one-man show.

        Performing more than 1000 shows in every corner of Turkey for 15 years, İlker Gümüşoluk brings together many stories and observations about life, especially bilateral relationships, with his audience in his one-man show. The comedian has reached a serious audience, especially with the Apartment Conversations project he published on his YouTube channel and the sketches he shared on his Instagram account. İlker Gümüşoluk has also been the YouTube Change Ambassador for the last two years. He produces special projects for YouTube.

        • Event Type Stand up
        • Duration 100 minutes

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